Friday, October 01, 2010

Nevis Public Library

I cannot believe that it has been two months since I updated this blog. Wow, time flies.

The Nevis Public Library in the capital, Charlestown, was another one of my stops this last summer. Here are some photos of the building and its space. The architecture is incredible!

This is the exterior of the building which was once used to house slaves before they were taken to the square next door to be auctioned off.

The library occupies the upper level of the buiding. The clock which is still functioning has been in the tower has been there from the 1800s I am told.

Here is what you see as you enter the building.

This is basically the extent of the library. As with most libraries, there are space contraints. And yes, the staff was very helpful.

Here is another look with a bit more of the roof visible. Note those incredible beams!

Here is a closer look at those beams.

The architecture and history of this library building is fascinating. However, because in the Caribbean many libraries do no occupy purpose built facilities, library administrators are forced to adapt the space allocated to suit the requirements of the libary. Though that was obviously done in this case, the history of the building is still evident. What a remarkable teaching opportunity!

I truly enjoyed my visit to the library and to Nevis as a whole.

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