Monday, November 27, 2006

Can you ever catch up?

That has been my question in recent times. Can you ever catch up with all the things that you should have done, needed to do and wanted to do? I am not even going to bother with all the things that others wish you had done, wanted you to do and hoped that you would do? All of this to say that it has been a while.

I did go to the conference in the USA. It was all I hoped it would be and more. I was the only librarian outside of North America there. That made it even more interesting on different levels. It was great stuff, lots of workshops and informative sessions. I look forward to the next conference. I wondered whether we could consider sponsoring it here in 2008.

The situation with the main branch of the Public/National library has not changed. I would even go so far as to say it has worsened. Those staff members who can not be accommodated at a branch have been laid off. Some have worked there for years. It distresses me. There was a cartoon in the weekend papers about the situation. I hope it draws enough attention to stimulate change in the management of the facility, the responsible ministry and those persons - users and employees- who are disadvantaged by the situation.

In other news I am on leave. It is supposed to be a writing holiday. I have had a proposal for a paper accepted by an international journal so I want to complete the first draft by weekend. In addition I have a 30 page paper to write for my studies and there is another project that I have been working on for some time now. My plan is to write for 15-30 mins a day on each item. That way I should make progress on them all by the end of the week. Help!!!

That being said I have to go hibernate for a couple of hours.

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